Sunday 13 June 2010

My Ceramic Pieces - After a Long Absence

Eventually I have managed to go back to the studio. I was quite apprehensive ate first, as it's been... 12 week? maybe even more, and i was really afraid that I have forgotten everything. Thankfully, it was not that bad, I have managed produce few things that have not landed in a bin. Overall quite chuffed with myself.

casserole dish casserole dishes
casserole dish casserole dish
jug and vase jug and vase

Po dlugiej przerwie, w koncu udalo mi sie wpasc do studia. Chyba z 3 miesiace mnie tam nie bylo, a moze nawet dluzej? Troche sie obawialam, ze wszystko zapomnialam, ale nie bylo tak zle. Udalo mi sie "popelnic" pare kawalkow, ktore nie wyladowaly w koszu.

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