Thursday, 5 August 2010

A Matter of Taste by Fulvio Bonavia

Oh... My ... Gosh! Yummy or what?! These wonderfully delicious pieces are part of "A Matter of Taste" book by Fulvio Bonavia, award-winning Italian photographer and artfull photo manipulator. Yummy!

turned pieces turned pieces
turned pieces turned pieces
turned pieces turned pieces

More to view here.

Buddo kochany. Przepyszne! Te wspaniale zdjecia sa czescia kolekcji zawartej w albumie "A Matter of Taste" ("Kwestia Smaku") autorstwa Fulvio Bonavia, wloskiego fotografa i grafika. Cudne! Wiecej mozna zobaczyc tutaj

Sunday, 25 July 2010

My Ceramic Pieces - Glazing

Just before holiday break I have managed to glaze some of my pieces. I wanted to duplicate the effect achieved on small test bowl, unfortunately with no luck. The small bowl was glazed with Bottle Green and then dipped in Yellow. The effect of running Yellow was exactly what I was after. Unfortunately I think the top glaze on oven dish was to thinly put on, so the Yellow has not run, but rather disappeared. I should get used to failure. Second oven dish is sprayed the other way round, Bottle Green on top of Yellow.

green test bowl turned pieces

Tuz przed przerwa wakacyjna udalo mi sie poszkliwic czesc moich prac. Chcialam zduplikowac efekt jaki udalo mi sie osiagnac na malej miseczce, no ale jak zwykle bezskutecznie. Miseczka byla pociagnieta Zielenia Butelkowa, pozniej zamoczona w Zolci i wlasnie efekt splywajacej zolci chcialam skopiowac. Niestety mam wrazenie, ze wierzchnia warstwa szkliwa byla za cienka, wiec zolc nie pociekla a zniknela w zieleni. Powinnam juz sie przyzwyczaic do tego, ze jestem noga w szkliwieniu. Drugie naczynie do pieczenia zostalo pociagniete szkliwami na odwrot, czyli Zielen Butelkowa na Zolci.

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Old Kitchen

We've got today talking about blackboards in a kitchen, so I dug up pictures of my now old kitchen (present kitchen is non existent, as it is all in flat pack in my living room (grrr! 5 weeks without kitchen can drive one mad!))... well, hopefully by the end of next week I will have my kitchen back... or else!

When we've moved in (in 2003), the kicthen looked like so:

A lick of paint on walls and cupboard and new counters and it looked like so:

Gadalysmy dzisiaj na forum o czarnych tablicach w kuchni, wiec przekopalam moj komputer i zewnetrzne dyski (?) w poszukiwaniu zdjec mojej starej kuchni (obecna kuchnie nie istnieje, albowiem jest w kartonach w duzym pokoju (wrrrr! 5 tygodni bez kuchni moze czlowieka do szalu doprowadzic)) ... w przyszlym tygodniu powinnam miec kuchnie wykonczona... a jak nie, to...!

Na pierwszym zdjeciu jest zdjecie kuchni w stanie, w jakim byla gdy sie tylko wprowadzilismy. Na kolejnych zdjeciach jest kuchnia po pomalowaniu scian i szafek oraz z nowymi blatami.

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Shopping Time!

We are soon finishng our building extention, so it's time to start shopping.

I have found these charming armchairs on ebay. They are almost perfect, just ever so slightly too girly for my boys;). Fortunately seller offers made to order service, so I have chosen some grey based fabrics from Cath Kidston, Vanessa Arbuthnott and Clarke and Clarke.

Za troszke konczymy remont i pora juz zaczac kupowac nowe rzeczy dla domu.

Te urocze fotele znalazlam na ebay. Sa prawie idealne, moze troche tylko za kobiece dla moich chlopakow;) Na cale szczescie sprzedajacy oferuje mozliwosc wyboru tkanin, wiec zdecydowalam sie na szarosci z kolekcji Cath Kidston, Vanessa Arbuthnott and Clarke and Clarke.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

My ceramic pieces - Turning

Yesterday I have turned my pieces and added handles... these are my first handles ever ... :D
turned pieces turned pieces
Wczaraj wykonczylam na kole moje ubieglotygodniowe prace i dadalam uszy... moje pierwsze uchwyty :D

Sunday, 13 June 2010

My Ceramic Pieces - After a Long Absence

Eventually I have managed to go back to the studio. I was quite apprehensive ate first, as it's been... 12 week? maybe even more, and i was really afraid that I have forgotten everything. Thankfully, it was not that bad, I have managed produce few things that have not landed in a bin. Overall quite chuffed with myself.

casserole dish casserole dishes
casserole dish casserole dish
jug and vase jug and vase

Po dlugiej przerwie, w koncu udalo mi sie wpasc do studia. Chyba z 3 miesiace mnie tam nie bylo, a moze nawet dluzej? Troche sie obawialam, ze wszystko zapomnialam, ale nie bylo tak zle. Udalo mi sie "popelnic" pare kawalkow, ktore nie wyladowaly w koszu.

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Project Mini Eden or it's all Alys Fowler's fault!

We are starting from scratch. I would like to have a mixture of vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers in my garden, all growing in unorganised patches. And until few weeks ago, I was thinking I was being very original... until I've watched BBC's series: The Edible Garden... well, enough to say, my idea is not novel, not in the slightest.
We have tried a bit of veg and fruit growing in our back garden last year, and been well overwhelmed with the results. Not that they were that spectacular, more that we actually have grown something edible... and yummy!
Anyway... watching how fantastically Alys is using her garden made me think on the grander scale... Also, I have to say that great part in us starting from a scratch was played by one of my mates, who involuntary and I think unconsciously shamed my garden last year... thanks Satti ;)
So here we are, starting from scratch. Soil is now prepared, I just need to order the plants. And this is my pain in a backside. I know so little about gardening that’s it’s scary, but I promised myself to do it today.

My Ceramic Pieces - Penguin Parade

not really, just needed somewhere to put pics on :)

not really ;)

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Smile after tough day

Star Wars go pop and homey. You just have to smile, I know you want to :D Thank you Mike Stimpson.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Ceramic Voyages - Calu Fontes

I am smitten. Utterly. Me, the patternphobe and colourphobe is absolutely, head over heels in love with the pattern crazed pieces of Calu Fontes. And here is why:
There is not much written in English about Calu Fontes, so here is a wee blurb about her from LAMA (Latin American in the Middle Age)
Starting with a youthful desire to create a “more colorful life for others,” independent Brazilian artist Calu Fontes employs a range of techniques – hand painted images, illustrations, and graphic transfers – to create truly unique ultra-colored porcelain pieces. Each item is a hand-made, one-of-a-kind creation that incorporates myriad graphics, images, and symbols inspired by the diversity of Brazil’s cultural, religious, and musical landscape. Painstakingly created one layer at a time in high temperature ovens, images get mixed with and superimposed on one another, allowing Calu to fashion any and everything that her imagination dreams up. The result: an explosion of graphics, fantastic colors, and ornate configurations that transform objects into Art. LAMA is proud to be the sole distributor of Calu Fontes’ masterful creations in the United States.
You can find more Calu Fontes pieces on her Flickr photostream. Enjoy it!

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Ceramic Voyages - Ceramic Art London 2010 - A to H

Lately I hate everything I make in the studio. Even if the beginnings are promising, the end result is just... crap (pardon my French, but i am really frustrated with myself). So yet again, no update on my work.

Ceramic Art London is coming soon, so I had a peek at the exhibitors. A to H.

Duncan Ayscough - fantastic glazes. Do I really need to say more? Especially the last rounded pot seems to radiate with gold from within.

more Duncan Ayscough ceramic

Peter Beard - brilliant mix of colour and texture. I adore his sculptures. The combination of colours and the precision with which they are applied is fantastic. If I am not mistaken I have read somewhere that the effect is achieved by using silicon filler.

more Peter Beard's pieces

Matthew Chambers - his work has been fascinating me for ages. It reminds me of Chinese puzzles. Elegant, simple, yet quite complex.

more Matthew Chambers work
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