Saturday, 28 February 2009

Chicken coup with a lime twist

Call me bonkers, but after a last episode of 'It's Not Easy Being Green', I am contemplating having my own chickens... in a city. I know, ever so slightly mad. I haven't even mentioned anything to C or J and there of course is a matter of aesthetics; wouldn't like a chicken coup that would take half of mine already not so big garden. So until tonight the whole idea was rather ephemeral, but then came Eglu:

and I must say, the idea of keeping chicken in my back garden suddenly became insy wincy less bonkers. One can get Eglu from Omlet for £353 or with two chickens for £388


Ruda said...

Chcesz sobie kupić kurnik? Faktycznie jest ładny, ale żeby aż tak? ;) Bloga doniosła mi nieco bezwiednie córka Marka i jestem zawiedziona straszliwie, że tu nie ma więcej zdjęć, niż na B. :]

5ToF said...

ja wiem. glupie, ale mnie kurnik kusi. skoro sadze ziemniaki w ogrodzie, to moge miec i kury... ;)

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