- 1kg waxy potatoes, scrubbed
- 250-300g plain flour
- 1 egg
- pinch of freshly grated nutmeg
- bunch of parsley, chopped
- 25g butter
- salt
- Parmesan
Boil potatoes until tender, but not falling apart. Drain and peel asap, then mash.
Sprinkle a work surface with flour, drop mash, sprinkle 1/2 remaining flour, mix lightly
Brak the egg into a mixturte, add nutmeg, knead lightly, drawing more flour as necessary. When the daugh is light and not sticky, divide it to 4 portions. Form each portion into a roll about 2 cm. Cut the roll crossway into 2 cm pieces.
Bring a large pan of water to boil. Boil gnocchi until they rise to the surface. Toss in butter and parsley, sprionkle with Parmesan.
2969 kcal, serves 6